PTSO Pictures & Updates

The FWAFA PTSO consists of parents, teachers, and students of the Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts who are dedicated to continuing the standard of artistic and education excellence that attracted us to FWAFA.  That makes for some fabulous photo ops! Share your FWAFA photos here and we will showcase the many FUN things the PTSO does to support the FWAFA community.

We NEED You to join us to help make magic happen!

Teacher Treats 2024 / 2025


The Uniform Resale on 8/5/23 was Magical!


Thank you to all the parent and student volunteers that helped make this so successful! And a BIG Thank you to all the families that came out to support the PTSO and get fabulous FWAFA fashions for back to school!  We were able to raise $4,598.00 to support programs at FWAFA!

Let's Decorate for Back-To-School 2023!





We are ready to make some FWAFA Magic this year and what better way to start a scholastic party then with some balloons!  Thank you PTSO volunteers for your time and efforts!